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30 Best Free Infographic Submission Site List to Increase the Visibility Of your Infographics

best free infographic submission site list

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You’ve read the ultimate infographic guide. What’s next? 

The best free Infographic submission sites. Isn’t it?

Hey, In today’s post, we’re here to discuss the 30 best infographic submission sites list that you can leverage to ignite the visibility of your infographics.

But most of our audience like you also read the 7 most creative infographic design ideas to inspire you.

Let’s get started.

Key Benefits of Infographic Submission Sites

Backlinks Acquisition

Many infographic submission sites allows you to link back to your website. This can improve your overall search engine ranking since backlink is a core ranking factor of Google and other search engines.

Reach a Wider Audience

The fact is, infographic submission sites have their own audience base. You can simply tap into their audience by publishing a carefully  designed infographics on their platform.

Also, infographic submission sites are well indexed by search engines. This simply means your infographics can rank higher for relevant keywords.

What does this means to you?

Social Shares

We both know that infographics are shareable content. When you submit them to multiple sources, you have the chance to attract engagement and social shares.

Gain Industry Expertise

You are seen as subject matter expert when you publish your infographic on reputable sites. This enhances your brand’s authority. Read more from our blog to market your infographics and your digital products

Best Free Infographic Submission Site List

Best free infographic submission sites

1. SlideShare | Domain Authority: 92

Slideshare makes the list of the best free infographic submission site list. With Slideshare, you can upload and share your document, presentation, and PDF’s. In addition, your infographics can get featured in the most popular slide in your respective industry. Slideshare is normally used to share slides but don’t fret, you can also share your infographics as well.

From my experience, SlideShare has a large user base including professional designers, educators and students that you can leverage as a broad audience for your infographics.

You also have the chance to categorize your infographics into relevant topics and tags, making them easily discoverable. Additionally, you can collect leads with their integrated lead generation tool.

2. Flickr | Domain Authority: 94

Flickr is a Yahoo owned company that you can trust for your infographic promotion. It’s used by many to post their photographed pictures but you can equally submit your infographics. 

However, images and the infographics submitted on Flickr can appear on search engine result pages, potentially increasing your visibility. Flickr prioritize high quality infographics that provide insight to their audience.

3. | Domain Authority: 85 is a top rated graphic design platform that helps smart marketers and business owners to create premium infographics that inspires their audience. The good news is that it’s one of the best free infographic submission sites that you can use to generate quality links and gain exposer for your brand.

4. Behance | Domain Authority: 94

Behance is an established infographic submission site that allows marketers and designers to upload their craft. This amazing platform is great place to generate traffic o your website.

5. Daily Infographics | Domain Authority: 75

Daily Infographics has been in operation for the past 10 years. Their goal is for your visual content to reach a wider audience as quickly as possible. They have over 65,000 followers to promote your infographics to.

6. Reddit | Domain Authority: 95

Reddit is a user generated content sharing site that was built by Steve Huffman ans Alexis Ohananian. It’s one of the notable free infographic submission sites that is available today. To submit your free infographics, choose the right subreddit and review the subreddit rules. 

Publish and monitor the performance of your infographics.

7. Infographic Journal | Domain Authorority: 68

Infographic journal is run by SearchRank, a search engine marketing company. 

The truth is: They showcase on the best infographics on the web. You may submit a free infographics anyway but it may take two to three weeks for it to get published. You can equally pay $25 for an express submission.

8. | Domian Authority: 52 is a noteworthy infographic submission site that ensure regular update and maintenance. With over 20,000 database of graphics, you can use Visualistan to build high quality backlinks to your site. To submit your infographics and get featured in their platform, you must first fill out a simple to use form.

9. Infographic Archives | Domain Authority: 56

This is a distinguished infographic directory site with an easy to submit process. It has a responsive design, moderation and quality control. Infographic Archives has a free (No guarantee of publication) , Standard (No featured on the homepage) and premium (Featured on the homepage).

Infographic Archives charges $0, $32, $59 respectively.

Number of SitesBest Infographic Submission Sites List
Best free infographic submission site list

Factors to Consider Before Submitting Infographics

Consider these key factors when submitting an infographic to infographic submission sites.

The Submission Guideline

Every infographic submission site has it’s own guideline. Make sure you carefully read through the rules of each site before attempting to submit your infographics.

Some of the details covered in the submission guideline normally include, image dimension, file type, and word count.

Understand Their Target Audience

Only submit your infographics to sites whose audience are relevant to yours. Avoid spammy infographic sites at all cost.

Design a High Quality Infographics

Ensure that your infographic is highly relevant in terms of accuracy and design quality. Use a well research data and professional graphics.

Call to Action

Consider adding a clear call to action to your infographics to prompt the audience to take the necessary action such are downloads and sharing of your graphics.

Final Thoughts

I have just covered the best free infographic submission sites and the factors to consider when submitting an infographics.

Over to you now.

What was your experience submitting your craft to the best free infographic submission sites listed here. Let me know in the comment section.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How often Should I Submit an Infographics

The rate of submission for infographics depends on the policy of each infographic submission site. Some of the free infographic sites listed above encourage regular submissions, while others probably do not allow it.

  • Are these Infpgraphic Submission Sites Free?

They are all free infographic submission sites however, some of them offer premium packages which may include getting featured on the homepage and guarantee publication.

  • Can I Edit my Submitted Infographics?

The ability to edit an infographics after submitting depends entirely on the policy of the infographic sites. Consider checking the guideline of each infographic submission sites.

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