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7 Infographics Marketing examples to Gain Visibility for Your Brand

Infographics marketing examples

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Quick question: is infographics marketing your pain?

Your business strategy may be complex but sharing your infographics with the world does not have to be. Whether you’re vying for brand awareness, generating leads or driving website traffic with your infographics, you need a solid marketing strategy in place. 

In today’s post, I’ll show you how to successfully market your infographics without the need to spend thousands of dollars but first read, the ultimate infographics guide.

Let’s jump straight into it. 

What is Infographics Marketing?

Infographics marketing is the pratice of using visual content to convey information in a compelling manner. It’s a strategy that involves creating and sharing of infographics.

7 Infographics Marketing examples to Gain Visibility for Your Brand

1. Promote on Social Media

Infographics are highly shareable content and the more it’s being shared the more its visibility. To effectively promote your infographics on social media, don’t limit yourself to one platform. Promote it heavily on Twitter (X) , LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.

However, you must respond to comments on these platforms to encourage further interactions. In addition, consider investing in paid social media ads to boost the reach of your infographics.

7 Infographics Marketing examples to Gain Visibility for Your Brand Share on X

2. Submit Your Infographics to Directories

Submitting an infographics to directories is a time consuming task but it’s with it.  There are a lot of infographics directories with a large base of audience that you can leverage to boost the visibility of your infographics so that you can acquire high quality backlinks. These infographics marketing strategy is my favorite.

The best infographics directories include:

  • Behance
  • Flickr

Check the best 30 free infographic directories with domain authority of 54+.

3. Promote the Infographics to Your Email List

One surefire way to market your infographics is to promote it to your email list. Don’t be shy to make a lot of noise about it. Each time you design a stunning infographic, let your list know about it.

This is an easy way to generate traffic to your website and encourage more engagement.

4. Add Call to Action Button on Your Infographics

Invite your network to share your infographics with their audience by simply adding a call to action button. By adding a call to action such as “If you enjoy reading this infographic, share it”, You’re inviting your audience to share the infographic with their network.

Your audience is ready to share your infographics but you must first streamline the process.

People aslo Read: 7 Creative Infographics Design Ideas to Inspire You

5. Reachout to Expert Blogger and Influencer

To effectively promote your infographics to reach a wider audience, partner with bloggers and influencers relevant to your niche. The first step is to create an irresistible pitch that you want to send to these carefully selected bloggers and influencers.

Ask them to use your creative infographics to support an already existing article on their website.

6. Write an Optimized Supporting Content

For your infographics to have a chance of ranking higher on Google search, your are required to publish supporting content and add your target keywords in the:

  • Heading tag
  • Body
  • Meta description
  • Page URL
  • Image alt text
7 Infographics Marketing examples to Gain Visibility for Your Brand Share on X

7. Reach the Right Audience with Facebook ads

Every infographic marketing strategy starts with an idea. One of such impressive idea is using personalized Facebook ads. Personalized Facebook ads can help your infographics to reach a lot of audience. 

This infographics marketing strategy woudn’t be complete without discussing the use of Facebook ads. These are statistics that shows why Facebook is the right platform to market your infographics:

Final Thoughts

I have just shown you seven infographics marketing examples.

Do you have a strategy that is working for you? Share it with me in the comment section.

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